Dentists are one of the most visited healthcare professionals and getting an appointment with these folks is pretty easy. If you’re interested in increasing the rate that you meet with your dentist by asking them out on a date, here are some things that you should keep in mind.
What you could stand to gain
Dentists are pretty desirable when it comes to dating a uniformed professional in the medical field. Dating a dentist provides you with social status and prestige that is usually associated with dating a doctor, but you don’t have to share your time with an annoying beeper and a hectic work schedule. In general, dentists lead a routine life that is pretty calm. The most exciting thing your dentist may do during the day is perform a root canal, so it is highly unlikely that they’ll bail on a romantic dinner date to rush off and perform open heart surgery.
Another thing about dating a dentist is that you have a natural borne care taker. Think about it, how many times have you gone to the dentist and get terrified by the tools they have to use. By the nature of their profession, dentists have adopted a bedside manner that is often rare for medical professionals because they don’t want to stick their fingers in the mouths of hysterical people. Needless to say, they have a great knack for calming people down.
Do your homework
One of the biggest draws about dating a dentist is the fact that they are among the highest paid professionals in the healthcare system. The earning capabilities of a dentist relies on where they practice, their experience, and the number of hours they choose to work. Self-employed orthodontists who do private practice work tend to make more money than others. However, like other salaried employees, dentists who work for someone else or a hospital tend to have better benefits and compensation packages. For example, the health insurance and malpractice insurance are just a few benefits that will make a dentist choose to work for someone else instead of being a self-employed dentist.
Also on top of that, the dentist’s paycheck depends on what they specialize in. Typically, orthodontists and maxi-facial surgeons tend to earn more than regular dentists, sometimes up to $20k more per year.
Where can you meet your own dentist to date
If you are interested in dating your own dentist, you’ll have to figure out where to find them when they aren’t working. Instead of going to a bar or nightclub and leaving it up to fate, perhaps you would do better by frequenting high-end night clubs and lounges. You could also do work with an organization that focuses on bringing dentists together, like the American Dental Association. This umbrella organization includes dentists all over the country.
Keep in mind that the ADA has chapters in every state, so you can go to state-organized events. You should also keep in mind that it may be difficult to gain access to these ADA events unless you are a part of the medical community. You can gain access by being someone’s plus one or even volunteer. You’d be surprised by how easy it is to meet a dentist when you volunteer for a charity event like oral health clinics and dental camps. If you don’t mind a bit of hard work, you could volunteer at your local hospital and make friends with the staff. This will get you in with the medical community and help you meet more medical professionals — not just dentists.
You can also find dentists by visiting your local diner or cafes that may be located near a hospital or the dentist’s office — they have to have lunch too, right? If all else fails, you can always count on dating websites that specialize in helping people meet and date dentists near them.
Proceed with caution
While dentists may have an easier social life to maintain, they also have to abide by the professional boundaries that other medical professional has to. So, if you are considering asking your dentist out on a date, you could risk them their job, as sexual implications between a doctor and a patient and it is seen as unethical and could cause for professional discipline.
Want to know how to meet and date a dentist? Look no further! Dentists are known for their intelligence, charisma, and dedication to their profession. If you're interested in dating a dentist, UniformDating has got you covered with tips on how to connect with these healthcare professionals and build a meaningful relationship. Whether you're a fellow medical professional or simply someone who admires their work ethic, our guide will help you navigate the world of dating a dentist with ease. For more insights into dating professionals, check out our article on police husband and wife.